Castbars are movable, settings can be found in AddOnds menu.
Clique - Use this to bind spells for use on Grid and other unit frames frames. Raid Frame be Gone - Hides the blizzard raidframe. Do not ever update SharedMedia, or if you do, copy and replace all media from the old folder and copy all media paths in the lua. Castbars will also get messed up, manually load the ButgerStijl profile, disable spell icons and remove the castButton and castGloss layers from /kgpanels. If you are going to update addons yourself, which is totally possible, Grid will look a lot different and you'll need to manually load the profile ButgerStijl for /raven, /dominos and /tidyplates. After that, type /rbbs and go to general > lock all Type /rbbs, go to general > unlock all and use the left mouse button to move the orb around, right mouse to scale it correctly. Health orb does not fit correctly for some resolutions: It's probably best to use a different addon for your custom auras. Weakauras 2 is the backbone of this interface, if you want to use this UI there is no simple way to use your own weakauras settings. If you use 'Weakauras 2' already, but also want to use this UI: Nice when you're setting up from scratch. Pro tip: Type / and copy this command: run for i = 1,120 do PickupAction(i) ClearCursor() end. Hover over any button and hit the key you want to bind.
The thing is built with existing AddOns only, however some minor tweaks are applied in the code to make the addons match the visual style or behave more convenient. It aims to be fairly conventional but still offer all tools needed for high end play, such as buff/debuff trackers, cooldown counters, threat driven nameplates, improved tooltips, better resource tracking and decent raid frames. This interface is somewhat inspired by the 'Guild Wars 2' UI and is designed with any class/spec in mind.
FYI: I've recently 'kinda' re-made this with up-to-date mods.