While you have that page (or pages) hidden when no Focus is on, it'll switch over once you enable your Focus. Instead, it means that you can create and customize a Home Screen (or even two if you want) only to have your Focus-related apps and widgets. This does not mean that your main Home Screen will be different when Focus is on. Once you have a Focus set up, you can even choose a custom Home Screen to go along with it.

VPN Deals: Lifetime license for $16, monthly plans at $1 & more How to customize the Home Screen in Focus Now that you have a Focus set up, it's time to dig even further with customizations. If you decide you want to add or remove people and apps from a Focus, you can do so at any time. That's all there is to getting a Focus set up. Tap Allow Time Sensitive notifications if you want people and apps to deliver important notifications immediately, even when Focus is on. Tap Allow X Apps, with "X" being the number of apps you've chosen.

If you don't want any, tap Allow None at the bottom.